What could life be like for you if you got rid of your current challenges forever?

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

RTT is a unique therapy which will impact your life as soon as you step into your session. You will gain deep profound insights about why you have the problems you do. With understanding comes healing. I use a number of powerful techniques to enable you to erase and eradicate all that no longer serves you and rewire your brain with a more empowering belief system. Change is rapid and following the session you will receive a bespoke recording to listen to for 21 days to help wire in the new belief system. Sessions can be face to face or via zoom.

What happens during a session?

I will put you into a relaxed state of hypnosis. It is a hugely relaxing experience and you are always in control. 95% of our behaviours are driven by our subconscious and while you’re in this deeply relaxed state I will be able to access this part of your mind. We will revisit scenes from your life that have caused you to form the deep rooted beliefs that are driving your current behaviours.

Often clients regress back to scenes from childhood. As children we can perceive situations that happen to us in a certain way and form beliefs about ourselves and others that if you were to review as an adult you may perceive them differently. During the session we will review the scenes that come up for you, let go of any associated pain and give them a new meaning. I will then give your mind new suggestions to form a new empowering belief system that is inline with what you want for yourself and your life. Repetition is how the mind learns so you will then receive a bespoke hypnotherapy recording that you will listen to for at least 21 days.

What can RTT help with?

RTT can help with a number of life’s challenges, confidence, low self esteem, low self worth, procrastination, depression, cancer, anxiety and much more. Book a free call if you’d like to talk through your specific situation.

If you’re ready, please get in touch...


“I felt the effects of the session instantly.

Rachel is the best RTT therapist! My session was to help me regulate my STRONG emotions that were debilitating, and allow them to be felt, moved, let go and expressed through writing. It has been a day since my session, and I have felt and expressed productively several times and feels AMAZING. I feel so empowered and incredible and am grateful to Rachel for her expertise and guidance. She made me feel safe, secure, and comfortable, allowing me to have a successful session and space. She asked specific questions that helped me SEE so much and understand so much. She gave me the best upgrade and used all the RTT tools and methods to perfection. The audio recording is beyond words, and so excited to listen every day. Thank you, Rachel!! You have helped me immensely, and I know you will help others infinitely.”